
Our slabs are cut primarily from redwood and manzanita burls, and occasionally walnut.  Burls are dried for 3 – 4 years before slicing to prevent warping and large cracks.  Smaller slabs are cut 3/8″ thick and after sanding are about 1/4″.  Larger ones are cut 1/2″ thick and sanded to about 3/8″.  They are finished with 4 to 5 coats of clear Min Wax wipe on poly, and sanded between coats.  Sizes range from around 4″ up to 14″, and we do have larger pieces available from time to time.

Please contact us for current stock and pricing.

Bonsai Stands

In addtional to slabs, we carry a nice selection of bonsai stands. Inventory continually changes.